NDS Special Recognition Award

2024 National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award was awarded to Peter Kennelly of the Akeragh Herd

2023 National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award was awarded to Pat Hayes of the Killavarrig Herd, pictured with wife Mary

2022 National Dairy Show Special recognition award was awarded to the Kiely family

2022 National Dairy Show Recognition Award was presented to George Kingston: Katherine Gallacher, National President of the Irish Shows Association, Pat Hayes, NDS President, winner George Kingston Cradenhill Herd and Show Director Denis Kiely.

2019 National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award was awarded to John Cunnane of the Lynbrook herd, Co. Mayo, in recognition of his successful lifetime breeding endeavours and achievements including the success of Lynbrook bulls in AI breeding programmes a home and internationally

National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award was awarded to John O’Flynn, Ryefarm herd, Ballinascarthy, Co. Cork. This is a fitting honour bestowed to a stalwart of Holstein Friesian breeding and of the Cork Club. His wife Chrissy and family members were on-hand to share the conferring of this special honour.
John is highly respected and very popular. He was elected to serve as IHFA President and has also fulfilled numerous officer roles within the Cork Club. He is a dedicated member of the Bandon Agricultural Show, serving as Chairman of the dairy section for many years. Farming with his son Edward, they currently milk 110 pedigree registered Holstein Friesians under the Ryefarm prefix.

The National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award was presented to Tommy Finlay. For the past twenty six years Tommy has been the driving force behind the Tullamore National Livestock Show cattle classes and with the teamwork of his fellow organising committee members they have propelled the emergence of Tullamore Show into the biggest outdoor livestock show in Ireland.
Tommy has been centrally involved in dairy cattle breeding all his life, his Tarrabella Pedigree Registered Holstein Friesian herd was respected and recognised for pre-eminent breeding, he is a founder member of the Laois Offaly club and he remains ever-present at club events. His support of young members was previously recognised in being awarded the National YMA Hall of Fame.

Kathleen Kelly was awarded the National Dairy Show Special Recognition Award in recognition of a lifetime dedication and contribution to the industry. Kathleen has been very involved over the years as a breeder, exhibitor at shows and was also very active in the AI industry.The Kelly family pedigree registered Coolrue Holstein herd is highly regarded throughout the country. Kathleen has also been an unstinting member of the Tipperary Waterford Friesian Breeders Club serving in many club officer positions. In 2012 Kathleen had the distinction of being elected as IHFA President.

The Show Society presented Mr. Mervyn Eager with the Special Recognition Award - a testament to his contribution to the Black & White breed over many years in breeding the famous “Evergrange” herd, County Dublin.

John Barrett of the Laurelmore Herd was presented with the Special Recognition Award, a testament to his contribution to the Black & White breed over many years in breeding the famous Laurelmore herd.

Cyril Dowling of the noted Baldonnel herd, was presented with the Special Recognition Award, testament to the many accolades and achievements over a lifetime of breeding and showing top Holstein cattle from his Co. Dublin stable. The award capped off another successful show outing for Baldonnel.

The 2012 Special Recognition Award went to Colin Johnston. Colin is well known throughout the length and breadth of the country for his pedigree Holstein Friesian auctions. He is involved with the National Dairy show from its inception as MC and sponsor.